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. | evilvte may not be horizontally resized smaller
→| No, I have no plan to fix it soon. I think you may want to try another VTE based terminal emulator: lilyterm. | 3 | 0/0 | guest | 11019 | |
. | set URGENT hint on bell
→| You could try dwm. No dependencies to speak of, and it supports the hint. Thanks! | 2 | 0/0 | guest | 6756 | |
. | Dynamic title changes? Hello, evilvte doesn't seem to report changes to window title when directed to by the shell (as described in http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Xterm-Title.html). Sakura does this with the sakura_ti | 0/0 | guest | 2841 | ||
. | [Feature Request] NeXT,rxvt style for both tabbar and scrollbars
→| 1) What i meant by a NeXT,rxvt styled scrollbar is a scrollbar that looks like either rxvt,NeXT etc - i like it better on terminals. 2) The screenshot i posted were just a suggestion if we could ha | 2 | 0/0 | Insecure | 9566 | |
. | evilvte 0.4.4~pre8 released
→| great! | 14 | 0/0 | caleb | 37379 | |
. | Can't see some characters in prompt
→| Great, thank you! I did some digging and found, as you say, that it is a bug with vte. Most terminals work around it but you'd think vte would have a fix after all this time. Look fo | 2 | 0/0 | guest | 7326 | |
. | Adding evilvte to pkgsrc pkgsrc is the package management framework for OS's such NetBSD and DragonflyBSD. A minor patch is required to configure so that evilvte does not stamp over system defined LDFLAGS as we don't have | 0/0 | guest | 2502 | ||
. | Suggested simple feature It would be nice if evilvte could be configured to support the -title command line option, similar to rxvt. I've hacked a patch for my own use, so if you want to use it as a basis for a real implemen | 0/0 | guest | 2783 | ||
. | Few ideas for new versions
→| Thanks for the link, but lily doesn't support fake transparency [background image]. And for me that's major functionality. | 4 | 0/0 | guest | 13385 | |
. | [Chinese only] 某個 terminal emulator 的超級大笑話 日前有個小白亂罵人,本 project 不幸也被罵到。 本來不想理這種小白的,但是 競爭對手的無理批評要無視, 競爭對手的合理存在要重視。 由於某程式依附在知名 project 底下,想當然爾用戶會不少,所以我本著刺探敵情的心情,下載了 0.1.3-1 的 deb 檔來測試。 用 dpkg -x 解開後,執行程式。結果呢? Segmentation fault 對,你沒看錯,真的是 Segm | 0/0 | caleb | 2818 | ||
. | Search I love it - evilvte is extremly fast and allows to tune VTE features. The ability to switch character encoding makes it more usable than any GTK based bloatware i used until now. The only thing | 0/0 | guest | 2925 | ||
. | [Chinese only] 預設的字太小 目前預設的字是 10,一般而言,似乎是小了點?建議使用 12 較「大眾化」?是可以手動去改一下,只是有點麻煩。Thanks | 0/0 | 本人已不在此站活動 | 3241 | ||
. | [Chinese only] 某篇關於 VTE terminal emulators 的笑話文 2008 年 6 月 16 日 14:02 從某 blog 複製過來的原文: 一個 lightweight DE 預設使用 VTE,本身就是一件腦殘的行為。 evilvte FAQ 有說明為何 evilvte 使用 VTE,那該篇發文者為何選擇 VTE 呢?他有需要在 POSIX locale 使用輸入法嗎? 要 lightweight 用 urxvt / mlterm / | 0/0 | caleb | 3608 | ||
. | Patch to add RGBA support and disable decorations. Hi, I wrote this patch to that adds the following optional features that I missed from gnome/xfce terminals: USE_RGBA: Sets RGBA colormap and calls the corresponding vte methods to enable it. Requ | 0/0 | guest | 4797 | ||
. | evilvte 0.3.4 released
→| 要安裝 libvte-dev* 之類的套件才能編譯。 | 2 | 0/0 | caleb | 12147 |