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維他命B6 可能對妊娠型糖尿病有用

1 維他命B6 可能對妊娠型糖尿病有用
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-12-17quote  

14個有妊娠型糖尿病的孕婦服用 100mg 的維他命 B6 兩個星期,12 個孕婦恢復正常。

By impairing pancreatic insulin production, vitamin B6 deficiency may increase the tendency towards hyperglycemia in cases of gestational diabetes. [J Am Coll Nutr 15(1): pp.14-20, 1996] Supplementation with vitamin B6 may be beneficial during this condition. [Editorial, Lancet: pp.788-9, 1976, J Optimal Nutr 2(4): pp.239-43, 1993]

In one study of 14 women with gestational diabetes, taking 100mg of vitamin B6 for 2 weeks resulted in eliminating this diagnosis in 12 of the 14 women



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