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勸大家以後不要再買 ATI

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1subject: 勸大家以後不要再買 ATIPromote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  

ati 官網上查詢 fglrx driver for ATI X700 Mobility 時看到

AMD has moved a number of DX9 ATI Radeon™ graphics accelerators products to a legacy driver support structure.  This change impacts Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Linux distributions.  AMD has moved to a legacy software support structure for these graphics accelerator products in an effort to better focus development resources on future products.

The following products have been moved to the legacy software support structure (including Mobile and All-in-Wonder Variants):

ATI Radeon 9500 Series
ATI Radeon 9550 Series
ATI Radeon 9600 Series
ATI Radeon 9700 Series
ATI Radeon 9800 Series
ATI Radeon X300 Series
ATI Radeon X550 Series
ATI Radeon X600 Series
ATI Radeon X700 Series
ATI Radeon X800 Series
ATI Radeon X850 Series
ATI Radeon X1050 Series
ATI Radeon X1300 Series
ATI Radeon X1550 Series
ATI Radeon X1600 Series
ATI Radeon X1650 Series
ATI Radeon X1800 Series
ATI Radeon X1900 Series
ATI Radeon Xpress Series
ATI Radeon X1200 Series
ATI Radeon X1250 Series
ATI Radeon X2100 Series

AMD may periodically provide Windows XP and Windows Vista driver updates (for the products listed above) for critical fixes only.  No new features will be provided in future driver updates.  The Linux ATI Catalyst™ driver will only be supported in Linux distributions prior to February 2009 for the legacy products listed above.

對 Linux 的支援實在太爛了,以後絕對不再買 ati

找筆電時 也要找不是內建 ati 顯卡的

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2subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  
我新買的 NB 就是 nvidia 的。
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3subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  

我現在筆電的 X-Windows 又進不去了

之前用 open driver 還可以

不小心更新到 fglrx

就不能進 X Windows 了

debug 了半天才發現是 fglrx 的問題

再改回 open driver



以後決不再買 ati 的任何產品

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4subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  

x1900 series 是 2006 的產品,應該到 2007 都還有在賣,結果 2009 第一季就被打入 legacy product 中,Windows 驅動程式只修 critical bug,Linux 驅動直接 drop support,買這些產品的實在有夠衰。

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5subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  



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6subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  


裝了新版的 fglrx driver,抓不到舊 ati 顯示卡,當然就進不了 X 了。

上面說過,我也試過 open 的 radeon driver,結果還是進不去 X,看來只好重灌了 Orz

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7subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  


裝了新版的 fglrx driver,抓不到舊 ati 顯示卡,當然就進不了 X 了。

上面說過,我也試過 open 的 radeon driver,結果還是進不去 X,看來只好重灌了 Orz

要不要改成 mesa 試試看? (能正常啟動 X 後再找辦法解決,應該不必重灌) 

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8subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  


有點錯怪 ATI。

一開始的確是 fglrx  的問題,後來改成 open driver 後,理論上應該沒問題了,但仍進不了 X,仔細去讀錯誤資訊才發現,一直出現"no protocol specified",google 後發現,


ubuntu forum 中有人提到:

Hardy has fixed the blackscreen issue. The problem in Gutsy seems to be that after installing the driver it detects the screen resolution to high. Which makes the screen out of range. This is solved in Hardy. 

問題在於,我現在使用兩個螢幕,一個筆電內建,一個外接,顯示相同的畫面 (ati 顯示卡+雙螢幕的設定,還沒研究出來),所以畫面解析度我調成大的外接螢幕,之前是 ok 的,但可能是最近有更新到 X-window 的某部分,我又很久沒有重開機,所以這個問題一直潛伏到最近更新 fglrx 才一起爆出來。把解析度調成筆電內建螢幕的解析度就 ok 了。

不過,對 ati 停止對「舊」產品的 Linux 支援還是很不爽,以後不會再買他們家的東西了。

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9subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-12-30quote  

我本來以為好像看過fglrx open source的消息,不過搜尋了一下應該是只有開放內部文件。

Keep in mind that ATI isn't releasing their fglrx source code, either. They're instead opening documentation so that other developers can slowly write mediocre drivers. They're still banking on fglrx being used by anyone who actually wants performance out of their hardware. 


不過,你想想看,為什麼ati會有支援3d的open source driver...?

ATi還是有在支援open source 的radeon跟radeon hd的...。以前radeon是怎麼弄出來的我不知道,但是至少radeonhd有支援。 


同上,好幾年沒有碰到radeon, 但是至少我知道, nvidia 有一個bug,在雙核心的機器上面某些型號gpu隔一段時間就自動整台機器當機, 拖了一年多才解決掉喔...讓我那陣子根本不想開linux...因為怎麼開怎麼當...還害我找了好久才知道原因。


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10subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-01-01quote  



AMD drop support 的並不只是十幾年前的老產品,不只是七、八年前的老產品,而是包含了近二、三年內賣出的產品,這是讓我覺得比較無法接受的地方。

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11subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02012-04-21quote  

AMD To Drop Radeon HD 2000/3000/4000 Catalyst Support


This summer, around the time of Catalyst 12.7, AMD will be dropping support for pre-Evergreen hardware from their proprietary graphics driver. This means that the Radeon HD 2000/3000/4000 series will cease to be supported by the mainline driver. The support will live on in a legacy branch of Catalyst, but that branch for Linux users will not be updated with new X.Org Server and Linux kernel support.


The official announcement has yet to come out of AMD, but it has been confirmed by multiple contacts and is deemed important to get that information out there. Unlike the last time when AMD dropped several generations of hardware support from the Catalyst driver, there is still pre-HD5000 series being sold to this day. Soon Linux consumers will have no other choice but to use the open-source driver, which may or may not work for your needs, so it is important that this information is available now so you can make more informed buying decisions. In a quick look at a popular Internet shopping site still shows 25 graphics cards from the Radeon HD 4000 series still being for sale, 13 different cards for the Radeon HD 3000 series, and three graphics cards from the Radeon HD 2000 series (including the original R600; the Radeon HD 2900XT).

ATI Mobility X700 被 drop support

ATI Radeon 1300 series 也被 drop support

現在 4000 series 又要被 drop support 了

不想再給 ATI 機會了

下次還會買 ATI,我就是白痴!!

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12subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02012-04-21quote  

做一個 LOGO 來抗議

Don't Buy ATI

本 LOGO 以 CC-BY-SA 釋出

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13subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02012-04-26quote  


Linux 的電腦確實選擇 N 牌顯卡會好很多,尤其是這台電腦用途是跟創作、影音有關,軟體方面的支援好太多太多了

A 顯卡所謂的性價比在 Linux 上都不成立的,A 顯卡還是比較適合專門用來看影片、玩遊戲的 Windows 電腦族群


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14subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02012-06-20quote  

看過 Linus 對 nvidia 的評價 後,對 nvidia 也沒什麼信心了 XD

不過我被 ati 騙過太多次,下次寧可被 nvidia 騙


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15subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02012-06-21quote  

看到新聞時,我笑翻了,果真是 Linus 風格
他頭髮變白看起來很有智慧的樣子,然後比中指 XD


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