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Tetralet![]() joined: 2007-11-27 posted: 255 promoted: 35 bookmarked: 13 |
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
執行 gnome-default-applications-properties 看看有沒有設定 browser? | |||||||||||
Tetralet![]() joined: 2007-11-27 posted: 255 promoted: 35 bookmarked: 13 |
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
Linux 這邊太混亂,這應該也算 packager 的責任 ? Debian If you want to make Mozilla Firefox your default browser, point the symlink /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser to /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox or other path where Mozilla Firefox is installed. One easy way to do this is to execute the following command as root: update-alternatives --config x-www-browser Doing so will present you with a list of installed browsers from which you can select Firefox. edited: 1
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Tetralet![]() joined: 2007-11-27 posted: 255 promoted: 35 bookmarked: 13 |
(gcin-setup:2813): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to show 'http://hyperrate.com?eid=67': Operation not supported 我們不應該假設使用者都在用著 GNOME 不是嗎?
一般 Debian User 的 x-www-browser 總會指向某個 browser,這個倒不用擔心。 若想特意照顧 Debian User,請把 x-www-browser 加到 /usr/share/gcin/script/html-browser 裡。(以後我的 deb 會加上去) 但這個錯誤其實和 /usr/share/gcin/script/html-browser 無關,我猜應該是 GTK 裡面在處理 <a> 標籤時不知是如何運作的,總而言之在我的電腦上不能動。個人會建議不要用 <a> + gtk_label_set_use_markup();原本的作法運作得很好呀! | |||||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
]這邊應該是說 GTK 沒設定好的問題, GNOME 是用 GTK,但是 GTK != GNOME,KDE一樣可以用 GTK的程式。 希望都能設定好,像在 Win32 用 ShellExecute 就可以開啟 browser 了,不然Linux 要開browser 實在很麻煩。 |
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