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xmms2 心得分享

joined: 2008-01-21
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31subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02011-11-01quote  

目前 Debian Testing (Squeeze) 的 xmms2 是 0.7 Dr.No,samba 的支援似乎壞掉了,不論 smb:// 或是用 mount.cifs 將遠端的音樂資料夾先掛載到本機,再匯入 medialib,都無法將音樂檔案加入 medialib,可能有 bug。所以現在 xmms2 對我而言是 unusable 的。

qmmp 0.5.2-1 、deadbeef 0.5.1-1 (皆支援 cue、支援 ape) 與 audacious 2.4.4-1 (ape 支援壞掉了) 讀 mount.cifs 掛載的檔案都沒問題。qmmp 穩定度較差。

mpd 也不錯,和 xmms2 一樣有 server/client 架構,支援 mount.cifs 掛載的檔案,而且圖形化介面如 gmpc、ario、sonata 都比 xmms2 的圖形介面好用,可惜不支援 cue、ape,不過 cue support 已經列入 To Do,現在對於需要 medialib 的朋友們,我改推 mpd。

有空時要把 ape 轉檔成 flac,省得麻煩 XD

補充:有人可能得奇怪,為什麼不用 Rhythmbox 或 Amarok?Rhythmbox 會在啟動時自動更新資料庫,這對我用 mount.cifs 來掛載 Windows 共用的資料夾不太方便。Amarok 則是我的老電腦跑起來超慢,不考慮。

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新竹, 台灣
32subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02011-11-01quote  

我是用 Rhythmbox Laughing

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33subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02011-11-04quote  

xmms2 在 2011-10-20 釋出 0.8 DrO_o,與上一個版本 DrNo 2010-2-19 相差超過一年半,之所以拖這麼久,發佈新版的文章中提到,是因為開發人員對下個版本 DrParnassus 更感興趣。DrO_o 可視為是一個維護性的版本,對一般使用者而言不會有太大改變,但對開發人員來說,還是有一些新功能。

Noteworthy changes

  • Waf build system updated to version 1.6, which brings Python 3.x compatibility to the build system.
  • Python bindings migrated to cython which brings Python 3.x compatibility to Python clients.
  • Server side IPC code is now generated, thus a whole lot more consistent and less prone to errors.
  • Better support for high quality (S32) audio, together with xform updates to output such formats.
  • Don't let ALSA resample as it consumes insane amount of resources which makes it look like XMMS2 is resource heavy.
  • More format support to CoreAudio and PulseAudio letting them resample in their own processes instead, thus utilizing multi-core systems better.
  • A ton of man page updates so that we can hopefully answer most questions with RTFM.

For users

The old CLI has been replaced with the new CLI, enjoy. Please see MigrateToNyCLI for more information about the new CLI.

Notes to packagers

  • The visualization reference clients aren't installed by default, and probably shouldn't be packaged, enable with --with-vis-reference-clients.
  • xmms2-et only helps us in the TEST phase, and there's really no point in packaging it.
  • By default, python bindings are built for the version of /usr/bin/python, regardless of the version running waf. To build the bindings for a different version, you need to set the environment variable PYTHON to the right executable when configuring. (e.g. PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 ./waf configure)

DrO_o的wiki頁面 詳列了修好的 bugs,有興趣的可慢慢看。


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