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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
Laetrile (i.e. amygdalin or Vitamin B17) 據說是受歡迎的另類癌症療法之一。 Laetrile是一種天然且安全的補充品,不過 FDA有管制。 Laetrile有補充品,不過大部份人是吃桃或杏的果核(杏核 apricot kernel)。把杏種子的殼打開後,裏面的核心。Google上可以找到販售的地方,但寫出治療功效是違法的。 一般吃 24- 40個杏核,最少量是 16個杏核。作者建議買帶殼的,自己開,加熱脫水的可能降低活性。Laetrile 的效用比較慢。 含有 Laetrile 的有 杏核, 桃核, 葡萄子, blackberries, 藍莓 blueberries, 草莓, 豆苗 bean sprouts, lima beans and 火山豆 macadamia nuts . FDA 宣稱 laetrile 有毒,作者稱這是荒謬的。 laetrile 必須搭配底下的補充品
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
常見的 cyanocobalamin 維他命 B12,其中的 cyano 就是氰,cyanocobalamin 是自然界不存在的B12,也沒有人說 cyanocobalamin 不可以吃。 他們除了銷售不實的抗癌產品外,其中也有一些危險藥品,例如:Omega Supply公司銷售的杏素(laetrile),如果服用高劑量會造成氰中毒;Native Essence藥草公司的產品小榭樹(Chaparral),已經在1992年被食物藥品管理局(FDA)認為不安全,因為它會造成急性中毒性肝炎 edited: 4
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
中醫也是認為杏仁(杏核仁)有小毒,需經過炮製減輕毒性。主要就是會在胃腸分解出氫氰酸。 但以上這是中醫時方派的說法,經方派的神農本草經並沒有說有毒。
ps. 一般中醫時方派的說法是:杏仁味苦(或辛、微甘)、性溫,有小毒。
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
杏仁都含有苦杏仁苷(Amygdalin),這是他產生作用的主要能力,只是各種杏仁的含量不一樣,據我查書,苦杏仁(北杏仁)的含量是最高的。 苦杏仁苷在苦杏仁苷酶或櫻苷酶作用下會產生氫氰酸(HCN)而致毒。但問題就出在杏仁的藥用作用也是出在這個苦杏仁苷上,他有止咳、袪痰、潤腸、平喘的功能,常被中醫拿來下藥。
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看過一本小說,內文提到有關苦杏仁苷的事情。 還聽說過有人說 : "曾因某些原因,這種治療方法被打壓下來,這種療效在某些國是違法的。有些國家都禁止使用苦杏仁苷治療癌症。" 那麼如果我們使用這種療法是否違法 ? 麻煩懂得醫學的人來幫我回答一下。 | ||||||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
我想必須注意服用的劑量 and 時間,無毒的水一次喝太多一樣會死人。Laetrile上一次看到有人試過無效,也可能不是全部無效,沒有一種藥可以治療所有的癌症。 | ||||||||||||
本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
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還有,苦杏仁苷是屬於維生素對吧 ? | ||||||||||||
本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
不知道。我很懷疑有人是確切的知道,不管他是什麼 XX大師或是 XX博士。 有人一過馬路就被車撞死了。有人飛機失事,竟然只有他一個不死。所以,醫學(不管是中西醫)不是全部,也不是萬能的。
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再追加幾個問句噢 !! :P
聽某些人說:"多數傳統化療都是針對腫瘤等症狀來下藥。"但是腫瘤只是癌症的症狀,並不是病源,這種療法不就等於不是對症下藥?那麼這種療法會有苦杏仁苷的好嗎 ? 聽說:"傳統療法具有高度毒性。"那麼高度毒性必定會連好細胞一起殺掉,那麼小感冒就可能會因抵抗力不足而身亡。那麼使用傳統療法有可能會延長病患的壽命嗎?還是只是會消除癌細胞,但對於以後的生存完全沒有未來?
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
請先說明,什麼是「傳統療法」? 中西醫對癌的看法並不一樣。在有陰實的現象時,陰實要先治,不然他會危害到一個人的生命,治陰實當中,損害到身體其他機能,那是另一個療程的治療,我的瞭解是這樣。治療陰實,不見得會破壞身體的其他細胞。
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
醫師只會開藥廠給他們的藥。藥廠當然用能賺錢的藥,特別是有專利的。 我們家斜對面的歐巴桑4年前得了乳癌,用西醫治療乳癌,現在還活著。有一陣子看見她每天帶帽子,可能是用化療頭髮掉很多。 另類療法,如果不是很貴,是可以試試看。一定要定期監控是否真的有效。 edited: 2
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
請參考一下這一篇: 病原是指 oncogene 呢?還是 proto-oncogene?還是造成 oncogene/proto-oncogene 的物質或能量(含生命)? 這在中西藥的藥性及治療理論上也有區別。西藥的觀念是直接去殺死細菌、病毒、壞細胞。中藥的觀念是,不管你是細菌、病毒、壞細胞(在中醫沒有這些名詞),他是激起人體排邪(細菌、病毒、壞細胞的生成環境)的能力,讓「邪」自己因生存環境不適合了而自動消失。 當然,這種情形下,中藥是不能使用單純提煉出來的東西,而是要整個實際的完整藥物才能維持原來的藥性。
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
一般細胞分裂次數有限,癌細胞則不受限制,這就是可怕的地方。細胞分裂 DNA複製時有時候會出錯,就變成癌細胞。有些會被免疫系統殺死。 經常受傷發炎(病菌)的部位就容易得癌症,因為需要細胞分裂來來修補組織。當然,一般的細胞分裂也可能出錯。 病菌:肝癌(BC型肝炎)、胃癌(幽門桿菌)、子宮頸癌(HPV病毒)、鼻咽癌(EBV病毒) 化學物質的傷害: 腸胃癌(常吃香腸&醃漬的東西)、食道癌(吃太燙、胃酸逆流(肥胖))、口腔癌(檳榔)、肺癌(空氣污染、抽煙) 與荷爾蒙有關的癌症:
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杏素=苦杏仁苷嗎 ? 因為英文一樣 .. | ||||||||||||
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不好意思 疑問這麼多 :目
看某些書上都寫說:"在苦杏仁苷與細胞產生作用時,會釋出氰化物的成分。如果那是癌細胞,那一個細胞變會死亡;但如果那是健康細胞,細胞則會釋出一種硫氰酸酶的保護性酵素,讓細胞不受氰化物的危害。癌細胞不會分泌硫氰酸酶,會被氰化物消滅。"這是真的嗎 ? 那麼苦杏仁苷對身體一點危害都沒有囉 ? 只要注意用量和搭配的補充品,就能安全食用對吧 ? 另外一提,我除了這個網址和其他兩個網址以外,為什麼都查不到有關苦杏仁苷治療癌症的文章 ? 就算有查到苦杏仁苷,但也查不到苦杏仁苷治療癌正,頂多寫治療腫瘤。這是為什麼呢 ? :(( | ||||||||||||
本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
以 Laetrile cancer 去 google 搜尋: 約有78,400項符合Laetrile cancer的查詢結果,以下是第 1-10項。 需時 0.17 秒。 找台灣的網頁也有: 約有125項符合Laetrile cancer的查詢結果,以下是第 1-10項。 需時 0.16 秒。 怎麼會找不到呢? 據我所知,這只是目前的實驗室測試研究報告,還沒有成定論,而且,不是對每一種癌都能對付。
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
Apricot kernel杏核每一顆杏核含有 0.5mg 的氰。有人當成健康食品的點心販賣,美國1979-1998年間沒有人因杏核而死亡,只有一個產生嚴重的毒性。 氰中毒的症狀:噁心、發熱、疹子、頭痛、失眠、乾渴、虛弱、無精打采,、緊張、肌肉關節疼痛、低血壓。 裏面說 amygdalin 沒什麼效果,不知道是不是要搭配上面所說的補給品。 edited: 3
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苦杏仁苷的確是含有氰化鈉沒錯,氰化鈉的毒性很強只要一點點就會死人,但是只有在一種詭異的條件下苦杏仁苷才會是出氰化鈉,就是人體內出現癌細胞的時候。苦杏仁苷會針對癌細胞是出氰化鈉來殺死癌細胞,但是並不會對好的細胞與組織釋出,所以正常人就算吃了很多也不會中毒就是這個原因。 | ||||||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11496 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
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The almond, Prunus amygdalus, is closely related to the peach, Prunus persica (also called Amygdalus persica), and likewise to the apricot, Prunus armeniaca. The almond nut is of two distinct types, the bitter and the sweet. The bitter almond contains a ferment, emulsin, which in the presence of water acts on the glucoside, amygdalin, and yields glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. Amygdalin, of course, is present in the sweet almond, but not the ferment, emulsin. It is interesting to note that a cancer therapy, Laetrile, which has been discredited and banned by government authorities, is described as an extract from the apricot kernel, and is for the most part hydrocyanic acid. It has been hypothesized by the discoverer that this acid is destroyed in the body by normal cellular oxidative metabolism, but cancer cells, functioning without oxidative mechanisms, are unable to destroy the acid; thus they absorb it and are destroyed themselves. Cayce mentioned some of these mechanisms in his readings. He suggested sweet almonds rather than the bitter, advised they be used in the prevention rather than the cure of cancer, and ascribed their value to a vitamin-type substance rather than an acid. Perhaps this followed his general philosophy of doing things gently and gradually rather than sharply and abruptly. However, it is interesting to note the relationships between these substances that have both been used now in human beings in relationship to the disease called cancer. [Note: The preceding commentary was written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted] 杏仁評議 | ||||||||||||
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[Note: The following report was recorded by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician's Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.] Letter Regarding [5009] Ever since we left Virginia Beach, I have had in mind putting down on paper, as you requested - the story of my mother [5009], and the polyps and the almonds, so here goes: In July 1957, my mother was operated on for a malignant mass in the intestines. The surgeon removed a segment of bowel to which was attached a polyp, as well as the mass. He told my brother and me that he would have liked to have removed also a further segment on which two or three more polyps (benign, of course) were located but he feared she could not have stood that much nerve shock. He said he wished to watch closely by x-ray the polyps every three months. Subsequently, I urged Mother - as soon as she was out of the hospital - to eat several raw almonds a day - whether she believed in them or not (and although she tends to discount and negate a lot she was scared enough to heed me!). In three months the x-ray pictures showed the remaining polyps "somewhat smaller" - the doctor reported. In another three months the doctor said he couldn't discern any polyps at all in the x-ray pictures and was so pleased that he changed her periodic x-ray pictures from every three months to every six months. In another year - he changed to x-ray photos only once yearly. It has almost been 31/2 years now since her surgery and there has been no return of any trouble or of any polyps (and her last x-ray photos were of her entire body-torso as well as abdominal region). So, this is a good report for "the almond." Google自動翻譯-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [注意:下面的報告由William A. McGarey,MD,並在醫生的參考筆記型電腦,版權所有©1968摘自美國凱西基金會,弗吉尼亞海灘,VA。 |
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