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Scottish Music - Skye Boat Song 斯凱島船歌/斯蓋船歌(附中文歌詞翻譯)


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1subject: Scottish Music - Skye Boat Song 斯凱島船歌/斯蓋船歌(附中文歌詞翻譯)Promote 0 Bookmark 02018-07-23quote  

Scottish Music - Skye Boat Song 斯凱島船歌/斯蓋船歌(附中文歌詞翻譯)

Skye 是蘇格蘭的島。

描述 1745年 蘇格蘭與英格蘭的戰爭,Charlie 王子被打敗後偽裝成女傭,女英雄 Flora MacDonald 幫助他用一艘小船逃到 Skye。Charlie 王子後來逃到法國後再也沒回到蘇格蘭。Flora 因協助逃亡被關在倫敦,後來被釋放。這首歌也有人用來當搖籃曲。

Lyrics (中文歌詞翻譯)

Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing, 讓漂亮的船加速,像飛翔中的鳥
Onward, the sailors cry. 前進,水手喊叫
Carry the lad that's born to be king 載著天生注定是國王的少年
Over the sea to Skye. 從海上到 Skye 

Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar, 狂風發出巨響,浪在怒吼
Thunderclaps rend the air, 雷聲撕裂天空
Baffled, our foes stand by the shore, 被阻隔,我們的敵軍站在岸邊
Follow they will not dare. 他們不敢追上來

Many's the lad fought on that day, 那個少年在那天與許多人打戰
Well the claymore could wield, (戰士)靈巧的手握劍
When the night came, silently lay 到了那晚, 在Culloden 的原野寂靜的死去
Dead in Culloden's field.


Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep, 雖然浪翻騰,(他)慢慢睡著了
Ocean's a royal bed. 海洋是皇家的床
Rock'd in the deep Flora will keep 在深海中搖擺,Flora 將持續注視你憔悴的臉
Watch o'er your weary head.


Burned are our homes, exile and death, 我們的家燒毀了,(居民)撤離及死亡
Scattered the loyal men. 驅散了忠誠的人們
Yet ere the sword cool in the sheath, 劍也不在鞘裏。
Charlie will come again. 查理還會再來



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