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LilyTerm 0.8.9 is released. Opacity window is supported!


joined: 2007-11-27
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1subject: LilyTerm 0.8.9 is released. Opacity window is supported!Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-05-01quote  

2008/5/1 (0.8.9)


  • FIX:

    • rgba won't be enabled by default if the screen is composited.

    • Better compatibility when the font rendering / theme changed too fast.

  • New Feature:

    • Window opacity is supported, and it will enabled by default if the screen is composited.

      You may use `window_opacity = 0.15' in your profile to specify the opacity.

      You may use `transparent_window = 0' in your profile to disable it.

    • May use `show_transparent_menu = 0' to disable transparent/opacity menu items.

    • New menu item: [Transparent Window] and [Window Opacity].

edited: 1

adm Find login register